sâmbătă, 13 iunie 2020

My World

I'm hidden in the tree house.

The light is casting shadows in long stripes down on my face

I tilt my head forward looking in an imaginary mirror-

My Shadow and I living under the same roof.

Seen from the outside

my place looks haunted.

There is truth in this-

I've buried in here

the Innocent,

the Orphan and

the Lover

and I'm still fighting with my Warrior.

Stop by from time to time

Leave down your shoes and climb up.

Bow down your head

(I know the entrance gets smaller every day

as my ego goes bigger due to circumstances,

pride and arrogance-Life will shape me up again as I throw myself into the mundane).

Everything is set:

Have a cup of tea

I'll glaze the tremor of my hands into light strokes.

Sip gracefully the Sage words

and cry a little seeing the cracks on the tea pot

(I cannot hide the Destroyer from you)

Under my sleeve the scars of my suicide attempts becoming rheumatoid arthritis.

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